Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

Official rulebook of the Drafted.gg Tournaments


This rulebook applies to the document that establishes the framework and terms of participation for all individuals and entities involved in the Tournaments (hereinafter Rulebook). By engaging in any Tournament-related activities, including but not limited to match participation, and Tournament involvement, all Players acknowledge their acceptance and adherence to the rules and regulations outlined herein. This guide serves as the definitive resource for all competitive gaming events played under Drafted.gg, covering the key information and regulations necessary for a fair and exciting gameplay experience. This rulebook provides a comprehensive overview of the standards and expectations for all Players. From game-specific rules to ethical considerations, this rulebook encompasses the knowledge and tools needed to participate in and enjoy the Tournament to the fullest.


Each Player must read, understand, and agree to this Rulebook and its terms and conditions before participating in any event relating to the Tournament.




Tournament Operator/Organizer:

This Rulebook makes references to Tournament operator/organizer in many places. The term is used for 'Drafted.gg' the entity/agency who will be managing and operating all esports operations & enable Tournaments to take place.

A Tournament operator is an individual or a group responsible for planning, coordinating, managing, and executing competitive events or Tournaments in various fields, such as sports, gaming, or other activities. They handle tasks such as scheduling, Player registration, rule enforcement, and overall operations management.


This Rulebook makes references to referees/Umpire/officials in many places. This term is intended to identify Tournament administrators and personnel working with the Tournament operator to enforce and observe that the rules are being followed. A referee/official may be acting in many capacities, either as an assistant, regular or senior referee; for this rulebook, they are all considered equal.

Referees/Umpire/Officials are individuals assigned to enforce the rules and regulations of a Tournament. Their primary role is to ensure fair play, resolve disputes, make decisions, and maintain order during the Tournament. They have the authority to penalize or disqualify Players who violate the established rules.


This Rulebook makes references to Tournament Players in many places. This term is used to identify any Players taking part in Tournaments as appropriate. The terms can be interchanged as necessary to accommodate any Player size or denomination in an Esports title.

A Player refers to an individual that takes part in a Tournament or Tournaments. Players actively engage in the event, competing against other Players with the goal of achieving success, victory, or a designated prize.


A Tournament is an organized competition or association in which Drafted.gg exclusive Players regularly compete against each other in a series of matches or events. Tournaments are typically formed within specific sports, games, or activities and follow a structured format with predetermined rules and regulations.A Tournament is to determine a champion or winners based on the cumulative performance of the Player over a specified period.

Tournaments often have a set schedule or fixtures, with matches taking place on specific dates or within a defined timeframe. Tournaments can be organized and overseen by governing bodies, associations, or organizations that establish and enforce the rules and regulations.

A Tournament is a competitive event or contest in which participants compete against each other to determine a winner. It involves a structured series of matches, games, or rounds, where the participants compete against each other to achieve victory and advance to the next stage until a final winner is determined.

Match Rules

  • Home Team is Blue, Away Team is Red
  • Players should ensure that they wear their jerseys to play the matches. Failing to do so will result in a warning and deduction of points.
  • Players should report to the game zone 3 minutes before the start of their match
  • Usage of mobile phone / electronic devices is not allowed in the game zone, failing to do so will result in warning and deduction of points
  • Players should check the battery health of their controllers before the start of their match.

Code of Conduct – Players

This document defines the basic rules of conduct, describing the various offences and associated penalties for players in Drafted.gg (hereinafter referred to as the Company). Each player is required to comply with the Ethics Code, the Code of Conduct – Players, and the Anti-Corruption Code. Compliance with these rules is essential to maintain the integrity of the product and to preserve the reputation of our company and esports as a whole.


1.1 These Rules of Conduct apply to all players participating in Vallhala Cup, Valkyrie Cup, and Valhalla League, or other tournaments organized by the Company.

1.2 Players are subordinate to the match referee during a match. They shall follow his/her instructions unless such instructions are against other studio rules or generally applicable laws.


2.1 Players are obliged to:

  • Comply with all rules and guidelines, particularly the Ethics Code, the Code of Conduct – Players, the Anti-Corruption Code, referee/referee supervisor instructions, and management instructions.
  • Immediately upon arrival at the studio, deposit their phone or other communication devices in the security box and hand over the key to the referee supervisor.
  • Wear a jersey before entering production.
  • Arrive at the studio no later than 30 minutes before the start of their shift.
  • Play all games with maximum effort.
  • Smoke only in the designated area.
  • Avoid activities that cause excessive noise between the hours of 22:00 and 06:00.
  • If a violation of rules or integrity is suspected, report the matter to studio management, the integrity manager, or use the tool for anonymous reporting.
  • Maintain cleanliness in the studio.


3.1 Players are prohibited from the following:

  • Manipulating the course or outcome of a match in any way.
  • Deliberately influencing matches in any way, including tactics, arranging results with other players, or not playing to the best of their ability.
  • Betting on any esport, even in their non-working hours.
  • Gambling on the Company's equipment during their shift. This includes visiting online casinos, betting company websites, etc., on the Company's PC.
  • Using mobile phones or other communication devices throughout the shift.
  • Consuming alcohol or other narcotic or psychotropic substances in the studio or entering the studio under the influence of such substances.
  • Trolling during the game, including meaningless tackles, inappropriate tactics, unnecessary shots, or receiving more than two red cards in a game.
  • Destroying studio equipment.
  • Being abusive or otherwise inappropriate to other players.
  • Physically assaulting other players, referees, or persons in the studio.
  • Entering the studio outside of the hours in which they are conducting activities for the Company.
  • Consuming any food or beverages or smoking while streaming.
  • Exhibiting excessive negative emotions during a game.
  • Allowing a person who does not have a contractual or other relationship with the Company to enter the studio premises.


4.1 Each violation of the rules will be evaluated by studio management, and a sanction will be applied depending on the severity. Each sanction will be transparently communicated to the player who committed the rule violation. If an offense falls into the Orange or Red category, the full case, including the sanction, will be communicated to the entire team after the investigation is completed.

4.2 Different offences are divided into 3 different categories:

  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red

4.3 Yellow Category Offences

  • Late arrival for a shift without prior apology.
  • Lying.
  • Failure to respect the referee's instruction.
  • Trolling—nonsensical tactics, tackles, shots, etc.
  • Destroying or attempting to destroy studio equipment.
  • Receiving 3 - 4 red cards in a match.
  • Entering the studio outside of the hours in which they are not conducting activities for the Company.
  • Using obscene gestures or language during a match.

4.4 Orange Category Offences

  • Receiving 5 or more red cards in a match, resulting in an early stoppage of the match.
  • Arriving at the studio under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or psychotropic substances.
  • Providing a false reason for withdrawing a telephone or other communication device from a storage box during a shift.
  • Intentionally and rudely distracting another player during a game.
  • Using obscene gestures or language towards another player or the Referee.
  • Inappropriate and intentional physical contact towards another player or Referee.

4.5 Red Category Offences

  • Match fixing/collegial play.
  • Threatening or aggressive behavior towards another player or Referee, or assaulting another player or Referee.
  • Taking photographs, videos, or streaming them in the studio and presenting them publicly.
  • Disclosing any internal information about the operation of the studio, other players, or Referees to anyone who does not have a contractual relationship with the Company.
  • Use of alcohol or other narcotic and psychotropic substances in the studio.
  • Influencing a match based on an instruction or agreement with a third party.
  • Not depositing a mobile phone or other communication devices in the security box immediately upon arrival at the studio premises.
  • Removing a mobile phone or other communication devices from the security box before the end of the shift and when leaving the studio.
  • Cheating or attempting to cheat in order to win a match.
  • Betting on any esport, even in his/her non-working hours.
  • Gambling on the Company's equipment during their shift or visiting online casinos on the Company's PC.
  • Allowing persons who have no legal relations with the Company to enter the studio.


5.1 The Disciplinary Committee has full discretion to impose a sanction for the offence committed.

5.2 The Disciplinary Committee shall consider all relevant circumstances when assessing the seriousness of the offence. If there are objective mitigating circumstances (e.g. a player self-reporting the offence he/she has committed, documented health problems, etc.), the offence may be classified in a lower severity category, or the sanction may be waived altogether.

5.3 After considering the consequences caused by the offence, the offence may be classified by the Disciplinary Committee in a higher severity category.

5.4 If any player is suspected of committing an Orange or Red category offence, he/she must be suspended from production until the entire case is investigated.

5.5 The basic penalties for each category of offence are as follows:

Yellow Category:

  • A yellow card is issued.
  • A yellow card is valid for half a year, after which it is deleted.
  • ½ of the loyalty bonus is removed for half a year.
  • If the player is not yet eligible for the loyalty bonus, eligibility for this bonus is postponed for half a year.
  • After 3 months from the penalty being imposed, it is possible to apply for a penalty reduction. This request will be considered by the Disciplinary Committee.

Orange Category:

  • An orange card is issued.
  • An orange card is valid for half a year, after which it is converted to a yellow card.
  • Full loyalty bonus is cancelled for half a year.
  • If the player is not yet eligible for the loyalty bonus, eligibility for this bonus is postponed for one year.
  • After 3 months from the penalty being imposed, it is possible to apply for a penalty reduction. This request will be considered by the Disciplinary Committee.

Red Category:

  • A red card is issued.
  • A red card means automatic termination of cooperation with the player, with a lifetime ban from any tournament organized by the Company.

In addition to the penalties for the offences listed above in each category, a player may be fined for failure to comply with internal operating guidelines. This includes, for example, a late start of a match caused by a player, a wrongly selected team, etc. A specific list of such infractions and penalties is maintained by the Studio Manager, and each player is informed of it at the beginning of the cooperation. Evaluating such infractions and imposing penalties for them is the full responsibility of the Studio Manager.


6.1 Each offence must be recorded in the Incident Report and in the Previous Shift Report. Offences are recorded by the Referee – Supervisor in cooperation with the Referee.

6.2 Studio Management must proactively address all recorded incidents.

6.3 Each player is required to immediately inform the Referee or the Referee – Supervisor if they have witnessed conduct that meets the characteristics of an offence.

6.4 A player may also use the whistleblowing platform "Nenech to být" (www.nntb.cz) to report an infraction by another player or Referee, which ensures anonymity. They can also inform the Studio Manager, Operations Manager, or Integrity Manager directly. The procedure for anonymous reporting and the rules for dealing with such reports are regulated in the Whistleblower Policy.


7.1 All offences are assessed on an individual basis, considering all relevant circumstances.

7.2 Orange and Red category offences are evaluated by a Disciplinary Committee consisting of the Integrity Manager, Studio Manager, and Operations Manager. An offence classified in the Yellow category does not have to be considered by the Disciplinary Committee. Each member of the Disciplinary Committee may individually assess and impose a sanction for a Yellow category offence.

7.3 Until the investigation of the offence is completed, all information found is confidential. The Disciplinary Committee will not present or further share such information prior to the conclusion of the investigation.

7.4 As part of the investigation of an offence, the Disciplinary Committee may invite the individual involved in the incident to be interviewed. Each player and Referee is obligated to attend such an interview and provide the information necessary to investigate the incident.

7.5 The Disciplinary Committee will decide the category into which the offence falls and then determine the appropriate penalty.

7.6 The conclusion of the Disciplinary Committee's decision will always be communicated to the player concerned, including the penalty level.

7.7 In the case of an Orange or Red category offence, the offence, including the penalty, will be communicated to the other players and Referees.

Code of Conduct – Referees

This document defines the basic rules of conduct, describing the various offences and associated penalties for referees in Drafted.gg (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

Each referee is required to comply with the Ethics Code, the Code of Conduct – Referees, and the Anti-Corruption Code. Compliance with these rules is essential to maintain the integrity of the product and to preserve the reputation of our Company and esports as a whole.


1.1 These Rules of Conduct apply to all referees participating in Vallhala Cup, Valkyrie Cup, and Valhalla League, or other tournaments organized by the Company.

1.2 Referees are subordinate to the Referee – Supervisor and Studio Management during their shift. They shall follow his/her instructions unless such instructions are against other studio rules or generally applicable laws.

1.3 The main task of a referee is to oversee the integrity of his/her stream and the quality of the product as a whole.

1.4 Referees are expected to uphold the highest standards of moral and ethical qualities. They serve as role models for players in integrity and adherence to the rules.

1.5 The referee must be present on the stream at all times. He/she may only leave the stream if required to do so by his/her job, for technical reasons, or in case of a hygiene or refreshment break.


2.1 Referees are obliged to:

  • Comply with all rules and guidelines, particularly the Ethics Code, the Code of Conduct – Players, the Anti-Corruption Code, Referee – Supervisor instructions, and Management instructions.
  • Consistently oversee adherence to integrity rules and operational guidelines by players.
  • Actively respond to any violation of studio rules.
  • Report any violation of the rules to the Referee – Supervisor or Studio Management.
  • Be physically present on the stream at all times. If he/she needs to leave the stream, a replacement must be arranged, which is primarily ensured by the Referee – Supervisor.
  • Ensure that the streams run smoothly from a technical point of view.
  • Arrive at the studio no later than 30 minutes before the start of the shift.
  • Smoke only in the designated area.
  • Avoid activities that cause excessive noise between 22:00 and 06:00.
  • If a violation of rules or integrity is suspected, report the matter to the Referee – Supervisor, Studio Management, the Integrity Manager, or use another approved tool.
  • Maintain cleanliness in the studio.


3.1 Referees are prohibited from the following:

  • Cooperating with or encouraging players to manipulate the outcome of a match.
  • Cooperating with or encouraging players to influence matches in any way.
  • Overlooking violations of studio rules or attempting to hide such violations from Studio Management.
  • Dealing with private matters during working hours, failing to pay attention to the stream, or not actively watching the stream.
  • Betting on any esport, even in non-working hours.
  • Gambling on the Company's equipment during their shift. This includes visiting online casinos and betting websites on the Company's PC.
  • Using alcohol or other narcotic or psychotropic substances in the studio or entering the studio under the influence of such substances.
  • Destroying studio equipment.
  • Being abusive or otherwise inappropriate to other players.
  • Physically assaulting other players, referees, or persons in the studio.
  • Entering the studio outside of the hours in which they are conducting activities for the Company.
  • Excessively disturbing the concentration of players during streams.
  • Allowing a person who does not have a contractual or other relationship with the Company to enter the studio premises.


4.1 Each violation of the rules will be evaluated by Studio Management, and a sanction will be applied depending on the severity. Each sanction will be transparently communicated to the referee who committed the rule violation. If an offence occurs in the Orange or Red category, the full case, including the sanction, will be communicated to the entire team after the investigation is completed.

4.2 Different offences are divided into 3 different categories:

  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red

4.3 Yellow Category Offences

  • Late arrival without prior apology.
  • Deliberate lying.
  • Dealing with personal matters during working hours.
  • Repeated mistakes while operating the stream.
  • Inconsistent checking of players' attendance from shift to shift.
  • Failure to actively respond to any violation of studio rules.
  • Entering the studio outside of the hours in which they are conducting activities for the Company.
  • Leaving the stream during matches for reasons other than those listed in Section 1.5 of this document; not following the progress of matches.
  • Destroying or attempting to destroy studio equipment.

4.4 Orange Category Offences

  • Coming to the studio under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or psychotropic substances.
  • Intentionally and rudely distracting any player during a game.
  • Using obscene gestures or language towards another player or the Referee.
  • Inappropriate and intentional physical contact towards another player or the Referee.
  • Failure to consistently monitor player compliance with integrity rules and operational guidelines.
  • Failure to actively respond to any violation of studio rules.
  • Gambling on the Company's equipment during their shift or visiting online casinos on the Company's PC.
  • Overlooking violations of studio rules or attempting to hide such violations from Studio Management.
  • Failure to report an incident or violation of studio rules.

4.5 Red Category Offences

  • Cooperating in match fixing/collegial play.
  • Threatening or aggressive behavior towards another player or Referee, or assaulting another player or Referee.
  • Taking photographs, videos, or streaming content in the studio and presenting them publicly.
  • Disclosing any internal information about the operation of the studio, other players, or Referees to anyone who does not have a contractual relationship with the Company.
  • Use of alcohol or other narcotic and psychotropic substances in the studio.
  • Influencing a match based on an instruction or agreement with a third party.
  • Allowing persons who have no legal relations with the Company to enter the studio.
  • Overlooking violations of studio rules or attempting to hide such violations from Studio Management.
  • Betting on any esport, even in his/her non-working hours.


5.1 The Disciplinary Committee has full discretion to impose a sanction for the offence committed.

5.2 The Disciplinary Committee shall consider all relevant circumstances when assessing the seriousness of the offence. If there are objective mitigating circumstances (e.g. a Referee self-reporting the offence he/she has committed, documented health problems, etc.), the offence may be classified in a lower severity category, or the sanction may be waived altogether.

5.3 After considering the consequences caused by the offence, the offence may be classified by the Disciplinary Committee in a higher severity category.

5.4 If any Referee is suspected of committing an Orange or Red category offence, he/she must be suspended from production until the entire case is investigated.

5.5 The basic penalties for each category of offence are as follows:

Yellow Category:

  • A yellow card is issued.
  • A yellow card is valid for half a year, after which it is deleted.
  • ½ of the loyalty bonus is removed for half a year.
  • If the Referee is not yet eligible for the loyalty bonus, eligibility for this bonus is postponed for half a year.
  • After 3 months have elapsed since the penalty was imposed, it is possible to apply for a penalty reduction. This request will be considered by the Disciplinary Committee.

Orange Category:

  • An orange card is issued.
  • An orange card is valid for half a year, after which it is converted to a yellow card.
  • Full loyalty bonus is removed for half a year.
  • If the Referee is not yet eligible for the loyalty bonus, eligibility for this bonus is postponed for one year.
  • After 3 months have elapsed since the penalty was imposed, it is possible to apply for a penalty reduction. This request will be considered by the Disciplinary Committee.

Red Category:

  • A red card is issued.
  • The issuing of a red card means automatic termination of cooperation with the Referee, with a lifetime ban from participating in any tournament organized by the Company.

In addition to the penalties for the offences listed above in each category, a Referee may be fined for failure to comply with internal operating guidelines. A specific list of such infractions and penalties is maintained by the Studio Manager, and each Referee is informed of it at the beginning of the cooperation. Evaluating such infractions and imposing penalties for them is the full responsibility of the Studio Manager.


6.1 Each offence must be recorded in the Incident Report and the Previous Shift Report. Offences are recorded by the Referee – Supervisor.

6.2 Studio Management must proactively address all recorded incidents.

6.3 Each player is required to immediately inform the Referee or the Referee – Supervisor if they have witnessed conduct that meets the characteristics of an infraction. Each Referee is required to immediately inform the Referee – Supervisor or Studio Management about any conduct that meets the characteristics of an offence.

6.4 A Referee may also use the whistleblowing platform "Nenech to být" (www.nntb.cz) to report an infraction by another player or Referee, which ensures anonymity. They can also inform the Studio Manager, Operations Manager, or Integrity Manager directly. The procedure for anonymous reporting and the rules for dealing with such reports are regulated in the Whistleblower Policy.


7.1 All offences are assessed on an individual basis, considering all relevant circumstances.

7.2 Orange and Red category offences are evaluated by a Disciplinary Committee consisting of the Integrity Manager, Studio Manager, and Operations Manager. An offence classified in the Yellow category does not have to be considered by the Disciplinary Committee. Each member of the Disciplinary Committee may consider and impose a sanction for such an offence separately.

7.3 Until the investigation of the offence is completed, all information found is confidential. The Disciplinary Committee will not present or further share such information prior to the conclusion of the investigation.

7.4 As part of the investigation of an offence, the Disciplinary Committee may invite the individual involved in the incident to be interviewed. Each player and Referee is obligated to attend such an interview and provide the information necessary to investigate the incident.

7.5 The Disciplinary Committee will decide the category into which the offence falls and then determine the appropriate penalty.

7.6 The conclusion of the Disciplinary Committee's decision will always be communicated to the player concerned, including the amount of the penalty.

7.7 In the case of an Orange or Red category offence, the offence, including the penalty, will be communicated to the other players and Referees.

Finality of Decisions

All decisions regarding the interpretation of these rules, Player eligibility, scheduling of the Tournament, and penalties for misconduct, lie solely with Tournament officials, the decisions of which are final.

Referee/Official’s decision:

According to the rulebook, the referee/official’s decision is final and binding on all parties involved in the match, including Players, mentors, and team management. No one is allowed to question or dispute the decision.

Code of Conduct:

Drafted.gg has a code of conduct that Players must adhere to during the match. Any breach of the code of conduct may result in disciplinary action, including fines and suspension.

Respecting Decisions:

Drafted.gg places a strong emphasis on respecting the decisions made by the referees and match officials. Any form of dissent or disrespect towards the officials may result in disciplinary action.


Drafted.gg and it’s officials reserve the right to amend, modify, or update this rulebook, prize pool, dates, talent etc. at any time to ensure fair play, adapt to changing circumstances, or improve the overall experience at Drafted Tournaments. Any such changes will be communicated to all Players through official Tournament channels, and it is the responsibility of each Player to stay informed and comply with the updated regulations.